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ciclovia culturale Bergamo Brescia

Cultural Cycle Route Bergamo Brescia

The Bergamo - Brescia Culture Ciclovia connects the two cities with a route of about 80 km, letting those who ride it discover historical centers, villages and places of remarkable value. Thanks to the interventions carried out with the STAI project, the cyclovia is designed to be traveled in 4 stages by cyclists with reduced mobility.

In each of the 4 stages there is at least one accommodation facility where it is possible to use a folding wheelchair to move within the facility between trips.

During the route, it is possible to rent electric hand-bikes and electric thrusters to ride all the stages or those of greatest interest.

Along the route, the accessibility of various places of interest has been surveyed: cultural and receptive, on the Visit Bergamo website it is possible to find the list of mapped facilities and by consulting the Easy Lombardy data base for each facility there is a detailed sheet with all the information on accessibility.

The cyclo-route has been made safe by many intersections and an infoturistic signage careful to easy readability, both in terms of fonts and font size.

For more information, visit this website: https://cicloviaculturalebgbs.it/en/