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Living Sport

Sport for all, opportunities in Lombardy

Playing sports in Lombardy
In the Lombardy Region there are more than 10,000 sports clubs and associations which you can look to for sports activities.
For more information, visit the regional website.
The CONI Services, in collaboration with the Lombardy Region, has developed a web app for finding public and private sports facilities in Lombardy.

Check the database.


Sport for persons with disabilities in Lombardy
Sports played by persons with disabilities improves mental and physical well-being and is an important factor of social inclusion.
There is a huge variety of sports played by persons with disabilities including: running, swimming, basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, bowls, archery, hockey, horseracing and winter sports played on the snow. In Lombardy, there are various federations and sports clubs offering activities specifically aimed at persons with disabilities. At the foot of the page, there is a partial list in pdf format.


Dote Sport
The Dote Sport initiative is a contribution by the Lombardy Region to encourage families in disadvantaged economic conditions to bring their children closer to sport.

Sport represents an important factor for the physical development and healthy lifestyle of children and contributes to the formation of personality and socializing education.

For more information, visit the regional website.


For more information:

SpazioDisabilità - Regione Lombardia

+ 39 02 67654740 - spaziodisabilita@regione.lombardia.it

If you are a sports federation or association which caters for persons with disabilities and would like to be included in the list attached at the bottom of the page, please send an email to spaziodisabilita@regione.lombardia.it.

Soon, this section will be implemented.